18th Africa Scout Conference and
9th Africa Scout Youth Forum

The 18th Africa Scout Conference will take place from 25 to 28 August 2022 preceded by 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum will take place from from 21 to 23 August 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya. The joint theme of the events is “Shaping Connected Futures.”


The theme highlights our desire as a movement to support young people to re-imagine a future where their dreams and aspirations and intertwined individually and collectively with the prosperity of each other and the sustainability of our planet. It further expresses our commitment to working together to create lasting solutions to overcome the challenges of COVID-19 on young people and their communities, our movement, and our world.

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The logo depicts the map of Africa made up of different elements symbolizing the key areas of focus for the conference and youth forum (i.e., young people and development, resilience and adaptability, connections between people, sustainability, advocacy and influence, and technology and innovation.) It also features the name and year of the events and the WOSM emblem signifying that it’s an official event of World Scouting.

Getting ready

Find useful information to help you plan and prepare for the upcoming 18th Africa Scout Conference and 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum.


The Conference and Youth Forum programme is designed to offer participants the opportunity to get involved through pre-event programme…

Decision making

See the proposed outcomes and key decisions expected at the 18th Africa Scout Conference and 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum.


Youth Forum and Conference Documents aid in the conduct of the decision-making process of the Events by providing details for consideration of delegates…


Watch videos of the live plenary sessions and access presentation materials. Check out the photo gallery and social media moments from the events.


Visit the newsroom to read the latest news and announcements from the events, as well as stories of impact from across the Scout Movement.

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