Day 1 Highlights of the Africa Scout Conference

On day 1, the 18th Africa Scout Conference officially opened with more than 150 participants from 37 out of the 40 members National Scout Organizations in the Africa Region to contribute to “Shaping Connected Futures” for the next four days! 

We welcomed the Chairperson of the Conference, Jeremy Naivasha, and Vice-Chairpersons Leonilde Lima and Edgar Marumbu who took us through the proceedings for the event.

Voting and Decision-Making

Delegates had an opportunity to become more familiar with the eVoting system by engaging in the voting process to appoint the Resolutions Committee, Rapporteurs, and team of Tellers to guide the decision-making process at the Africa Scout Conference. 

Participants also had the chance to divide into breakout sessions and take part in discussions and ask questions about the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the Africa Scout Region.

Report of the 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum

The outgoing Chairperson of the Africa Scout Youth Forum, Kathleen Godfrey and the incoming Chairperson, Hamidou Diallo presented to the conference a report and declaration of the 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum which closed on 23 August. The Conference adopted the report and will consider it for deliberations and voting on by the delegates as part of the Proposed Resolutions.

Regional Triennial Report 2018-2021

Looking back at the past triennium, the Conference received a report on the many successes and progress Scouting in Africa has made towards realising the objectives of the 2018-2021 Regional Triennial Plan approved at the previous conference. The Regional Team who took participants on a journey to celebrate some of the major milestones and accomplishments of the last four years.

Partners Engagement

In recognizing the important support provided by our partners, the Conference listened to a discussion with UNICEF, Africa for SDGs and the Institute for Economics and Peace. The panel highlighted the different areas of collaboration and challenged the movement to leverage its regional and global membership for greater impact, individually and collectively, and to turn the bulging African youth population into a positive force for its own development.

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was graced by Zainab Hawa Bangoura the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi who recognized the vital work of the Scout Movement in shaping the values and ideals of children and young people. We marked the opening of the conference by music and dance symbolizing the great energy and positive spirit that characterizes our Movement, and renewed our Scout Promise as a reminder of our shared values, unity and strength.

Watch the highlights from day 1 here:

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