
A number of key decisions that will help shape the future direction of the Scout Movement in Africa will be made during the 18th Africa Scout Conference and 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum. These key decisions and outcomes, for which you can find drafts below, include the draft objectives of the Africa Regional Triennial Plan, Amendment to the Constitution of the Africa Scout Region, approved Conference Resolutions, hosts of the future Regional Scout Events, and election of Youth Advisors and Members of the Africa Scout Committee.
Draft Regional Triennial Plan 2022-2025
The draft Regional Triennial Plan for 2022-2025 provide guidance on what needs to be done in the 2022-2025 Triennium to achieve WOSM Vision 2023.
The draft objectives will undergo a final reality assessment by the incoming Africa Scout Committee to determine available resources and align them with other approved Conference Resolutions. The final version of the Regional Triennial Plan 2022-2025, after approval by the Africa Scout Committee, will be published no later than 31 December 2022.
Read and download the draft Regional Triennial Plan to learn what the key priorities and strategic objectives of the Movement will be until the next Africa Scout Conference in 2025.
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution
of the Africa Scout Region
The following Amendments to the Constitution of the Africa Scout Region have been proposed for approval during the 18th Africa Scout Conference. An updated publication of the full Constitution of the Africa Scout Region will be published later.
Proposed Conference Resolutions
Report of the Resolutions Committee
Africa Scout Committee and Youth Advisors
Member Organizations will vote to elect 4 new Members of the Africa Scout Committee and 6 Youth Advisors to the Africa Scout Committee during the 18th Africa Scout Conference and 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum. The new Africa Scout Committee will also convene during the Conference to elect the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons for the 2022-2025 triennium. Download and read more about the candidates here.
Future Regional Scout Events
The Hosts of the future 9th Africa Scout Jamboree & Africa Scout Day 2024, 19th Africa Scout Conference & 10th Africa Scout Youth Forum and Africa Scout Day 2025, and 2nd Africa Rover Moot 2026 will be decided during the 18th A Scout Conference. Read more about what National Scout Organizations, young people and volunteers can expect to experience at these upcoming events.
Regional Triennial Report 2018-2022
Look back on the achievements of the past triennium by reading through the Triennial Report which covers the impact and implementation of the Regional Triennial Plan from 2018-2021, as well as Scouting in Africa’s one-year bridging plan from 2021-2022.
Africa Scout Foundation Report 2018-2022
The report of the Africa Scout Foundation highlights the work and achievements realized by the Foundation since the last Conference in 2018. Read the report to learn more about how the Foundation is contributing to securing the future of Scouting in Africa.
Youth Forum Report
The outcomes of the 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum can be found in the report, outlining the key messages that the Youth Forum participants would like to convey to WOSM and the world and which helps guide the work of Youth Advisors in the next triennium.
Conference Report
The 18th Africa Scout Conference and 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum Report which will provide an overview of the key outcomes and delivery of the Events, including summaries of the programme, decision-making, digital engagement, logistics, planning teams and evaluation results will be uploaded here after the events.
Event Officers

The organisation of the Youth Forum and Conference includes important officer roles which are filled by a diverse and expert team of individuals from across the Movement. These roles help to ensure good governance and smooth delivery of the events by providing oversight, leading the meeting, and supporting institutional processes.
To assist with the running of the 18th Africa Scout Conference and 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum, the Africa Scout Committee has designated the following as Event Officers.
Youth Forum Chairpersons
Kathleen Godfrey – South Africa
Conference Chairpersons
- Jeremy Naivasha – Kenya
- Leonilde Lima – Cape Verde
- Edgar Marumbu – Kenya
Resolutions Committee
- Baskouda Shelley – Cameroon
- Belarmino Cardoso – Angola
- Betty-Mai Sofa – Seychelles
- Kathleen Godfrey – Africa Scout Committee (South Africa)
Conference Tellers
- Eric Muhurwa – Youth Advisor (DR Congo)
- Marie-Annick Nguessan – Youth Advisor (Cote d’Ivoire)
- Sheldon Marumbu – Kenya
Conference Rapporteurs
- Marie Louise Ycossie – WOSM Consultant (Cote d’Ivoire)
- Jim Kastelic – WOSM Consultant (Cote d’Ivoire)
Conference Delivery Teams

A team consisting of regional and global World Scout Bureau Staff and volunteers has been assembled to support the delivery of different functions of the conference. Among them includes the Conference Chairpersons, Resolutions Committee, Tellers, and members of different sub teams handlings various tasks.
NOTE: The overall responsibility for the delivery of the Conference and Youth Forum rest with the Africa Scout Committee. Learn more about the current Africa Scout Committee at www.scout.org/node/92/committee

The Africa Scout Committee is the executive body of WOSM Africa Region. Eight voting members are elected by the Conference with the responsibility to implement the Conference Resolutions and act on behalf of the Conference between its meetings. At the 18th Africa Scout Conference, the mandate of four members of the Africa Scout Committee will expire and new members will be elected to fill their vacancies caused by the expiration of their mandate. The Youth Forum elects in addition six Youth Advisors to the Africa Scout Committee who play a key role in its decision-making.
Africa Scout Committee Candidates
- Imrit Yusuf Ali – Mauritius
- Zodwa Treasure Gama – Eswatini
- Kathleen Michelle Godfrey – South Africa
- Monica Hamweemba – Zambia
- Joseph Chidi Ihemedu – Nigeria
- Denis Wendpanga Kima – Burkina Faso
- Yassin Othman Makaraba – Tanzania
- Bangoura Fode Mano – Guinea
- Morris Moses – Zimbabwe
- Zo Hasina Franck Ramanarivo – Madagascar
Youth Advisor Candidates
- Ishimwe Fred Arnaud – Burundi
- Banjoko Damilare Babatunde – Nigeria
- Nyake Elem Yvette Cathy – Cameroon
- Oumarou Hamidou Soumana Diallo Farouk – Niger
- Mora Frederic – Chad
- Kalaba Kisanguka Frida – Dr Congo
- Abdi Shadyat Idd – Tanzania
- Marikopo Isaiah – Zimbabwe
- Isaie Muragijimana – Rwanda
- Nyaberi Elizabeth Nyamokami – Kenya
- Koffi Hermann Pacome – Cote d’Ivoire
- Ampumuza Peter – Uganda
- Freeman Thomas Trokon – Liberia
- Michael Emilazer Tukondjeni – Namibia
Event Bidders

Regional Scout Events are high-profile opportunities to bring our Movement together in a one-of-a-kind educational environment where young people and volunteers can participate in Scouting activities, develop new skills, build friendships, and learn about different cultures. Events such as the Conference, Jamboree and Moot are unique in their tradition and approach, stretching back for decades into the history of the Scout Movement.
Find below basic information about the bids to host the following future Regional Scout events:
9th Africa Scout Jamboree 2024
- Association des Scouts du Burundi
- Association des Scouts du Niger
- The Scout Association of Nigeria
19th Africa Scout Conference & 10th Africa Scout Youth Forum 2025
- Firaisan’ny Skotisma eto Madagasikara
- Association des Scouts du Niger
2nd Africa Rover Moot 2026
- Scouts South Africa