Report of the 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum

The 9th Africa Scout Youth Forum was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 21-23 August 2022 with the theme “Shaping Connected Futures”. The forum was represented by a total of 26 countries present and an additional 4 proxies assigned. The forum is a vital part of the decision making and governance of the Africa Region, as it allows for youth input into these processes. It also allows opportunity for connections and international cooperation amongst participants and member organisations, as well as time for learning, education and development amongst those present. This has been an amazing forum, with high quality discussions and perspectives being presented, and a high level of potential, skill and energy amongst the participants to the event. It is important to highlight our appreciation for all participants, guests, volunteers, planning team members and hosts who contributed to making the event happen.

Please note that this report should be considered alongside the report of the Youth Advisors to the Africa Scout Committee 2018-2022 as well as the reporting of the Africa Scout Committee to be presented to the Conference. Download the Report